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The whole leadership of Studio 5 is in the hands of the founder of the company Mr. Mishev Georgi.

Vision, Mission, Goals        
        How we work        
        About us        

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Georgi Mishev Mr. Georgi Mishev graduated on the Mechanical Faculty in Skopje at the University of St. Cyril & Methodius. After completing the studies he started working in “FAS 11 Oktomvri” one of the biggest companies at that time. He successfully worked on the field of planning, organizing and leading of complex projects which were part of the bus industry. Later in 1995 he founded his first company Studio 5, which exists on the Macedonian market for 13 years.
Anka Misheva Mrs. Anka Misheva after completing high school she started working in “Rudnici i Zelezarnica - Skopje” one of the biggest companies at that time for metal industry. She was technical assistant and successfully worked on the field of public relationship. Later in 1993 she become valuable and leading member in the company Bona, where she lead sales department and responsible for internal financing. Now, she is valuable member of the Studio 5 family and she is leading financial department.
Jovan Okolic Mr. Jovan Okolic graduated computer sciences at City College in Thessaloniki, Republic of Greece, affiliated institution of the University of Sheffield. After completing the studies he started working in “Seavus” one of the biggest companies for information technologies. He successfully worked on analysis, planning, development and implementation of complex software solutions. While working, he finishes master studies for business administration MBA (general management) at the University American College Skopje in Skopje.
Vladimir Mishev Mr. Vladimir Mishev graduated on Electrotechnical Faculty in Skopje at the University of St. Cyril & Methodius. During his studies, he started working in “Seavus” one of the biggest companies for information technologies. He successfully worked on development and implement of complex software solutions, as well as control of quality. He continued to work in the first company for information technologies in Macedonia “Ultra” in the sales sector for hardware and software solutions. He had successfully worked on numerous projects concerning analysis, planning, development and working on strategic, business and marketing plans.
Dimitar Mishev Mr. Dimitar Mishev studies business and administration at the University American College Skopje in Skopje. At the same time he successfully works on design development and implementation of advertising solutions and takes active part in the process of selling at commercial services.




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